The world as I see it

Monday, October 09, 2006

mmmm home...

So I went home this weekend. it was really nice. I had company on the way home. I drove the Beaulieu's home. We had some fun times! Apparently I'd make a bad deer... hehe.... Home was good. We had Turkey dinner saturday night with Grandma, and uncle Dave and Auntie Francis. it was as good as can be expected for my family.... then i went out for coffee with a couple friends. it was so fun to just sit around and laugh - i mean really laugh. its one thing to go out with friends that i made here, but its just not the same as coming home and hanging out with "the gang". needless to say, we were pretty wired! we each had a cafinated drink, and then we shared a huge piece of desert, and then we had more caffinated drinks. fun times. sunday i didnt do anything. i went to church... that was good....saw someone that i didnt expect to see... not sure if that was good or not..... and then today we drove back home. I definatly ate a lot! I had like 3 pieces of pie, 3 pieces of cake, turkey, etc.... but it was good!!! oh! i am feeling a little better about ear training. (just a little though). I definatly rocked my theory quiz on friday, and i think that i did better on my ET quiz than my last one. at least i got all the notes this time. :) but anyways, thats enough for right now. Later days!

tip of the day: there is such a thing as a stupid question! example: Do deer hibernate?!? hahaha!!!!!


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