The world as I see it

Thursday, September 21, 2006


I hate spiders. They just creep me out! So far I have seen about 5 in my apartment. and we;re not talkin little baby ones. no my dear friends, they are HUGE hairy beasts! *shudder* Another thing that I hate are creepy men. So this one day last week, I was wearing that shirt that says "wait til you see me dance". So I went up town, (wearing that shirt), and I was walking in the parking lot of Staples, and some guy was also. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him, and discovered that he had no shirt on. So naturally I turn to look at him. It's some middle aged guy.... So anyway, I continue walking, and as im going through the doors of Staples, this guy says from behind me in a bit of a sleazy way, "So, you like to dance?" I almost stop in my tracks, turn around and slap him. but instead, i kept walking (a little faster), and just kind of give a polite little haha. He keeps following me, and then he goes on to say, "Do you ballroom dance?" Like frick, whats wrong with you? On a different note, I didn't get that day-care job. :( boo hoo. Oh well. Okay. I am seriously going through baby withdrawl! I keep having the same dream over and over, that I go back to the day-care to visit my babies. and then i wake up sad because i miss them. *sigh* I better have lots and lots of nieces and nephews to play with and spoil.... oh yah! Oooh! I got invited to an underwear party! haha! We have to bring a pair of our granny panties to burn, and then buy a "scandilous" pair and exchange. should be fun times! speaking of being invited to parties, I once got invited to a sex party..... needless to say, I did not go.....
Tip of the day: Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink for an extended period of time, unless you plan on breeding fruit flies.


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